There were more then Cannon Kings at Quan Loi

As a member of "A" Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, we rotated into Quan Loi Base Camp about 3 or 4 times during my tour for Green Line Duty.  We always occupied bunkers in Purple Sector ( SW Side of Quan Loi).

Due to the relative safety of the base camp, it enabled us to unwind a bit while there.  Many good memories of the swimming pool, partying at the EM Club and on the Green Line with platoon members were punctuated by a couple of tragic events.

On the evening of April 10, 1970 a very good friend and platoon member, Don Perkins was killed by an accidental discharge of his .45.  That happened on the perimeter road in Purple Sector while walking to the CO. Command Post.

The second tragic event occurred on March 18, 1970 while a squad was preparing to go on patrol in the rubber.  I was relieved from radio watch for a little while to run up to the PX.  On my return from the PX I heard an explosion and discovered on my return to the CP Hooch that a fragmentation grenade went off on the web gear of another platoon member as they were assembled awaiting instructions for the the patrols they were about to go on.  Joe Monson was killed and the entire squad had to be medevaced.

I would like the photos included on this page to serve as a reminder in honor of those great friends that served in  A 2/5, 2nd Platoon at Quan Loi, Vietnam and Cambodia.

Quan Loi holds some bittersweet memories for me.  However, the very words "Quan Loi" stir an interest in me that makes me want to visit it one more time.  All the photos included on this page are of Quan Loi Base camp and were taken between February or March and May of 1970.  All are photos of the Southwest  perimeter known as Purple Sector not far from the Main Gate.

Jack Giffin, Infantryman, "A" 2/5 Cav.  November 1969 to November 1970.



View from Bunker 23 Purple Sector

Quan Loi Base Camp 1970

J Giffin Photo


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