If you would like to see your photos/slides become a part of the historical record of the 6/27th Artillery Vietnam on the www.quanloi.org website please try to comply with the following requests:

Email To:  abattery6/27tharty@quanloi.org or send a message to this address for the webmaster's home address for U.S. Mailing.

File Format:  If possible, use the "jpg" file format, but we will accept them in any format.

It is important that you include a photo description text document (Word, Notepad, or Writepad etc.), with your photos informing us to the best of your recollections, the who, what, when and where for each photo.  Try to use a photo number system, i.e., "Image 1.jpg" and then reference this photo file name in your description document.  Even if you can not give us any information on the photo please still send it as perhaps others will be able to identify the subject(s). 

Are You Scanning?:  If you are scanning your photos please scan at 150 to 300 dpi.  Send your photos UNEDITED if possible.

If sending via U.S. Mail you may send  either on a CD or a DVD - please do not include as a part of a slideshow - send just the files if possible.

We can not promise everyone of your photos will be used on the website but they will be saved in the website photo archives for possible future use or release on a planned future photo disk.

We will give you photo credit for each photo used on the site or a planed future photo disk.

By sending your photos you agree to allow us to use any one or all on the website as well as any future photo disks project the we might do for free and with no restrictions unless you so note as long we give you photo credit in its use.

If you have any questions or need help please feel free to contact the webmaster at the address shown above.

We look forward to receiving your photos and sharing them with others.

(All content and photos on this site are the property of their named owners and may not be copied or used for any other purposes without permission. Please contact webmaster for permission)