John Girardeau's Photos - Air Observer

Air Observer Photos - 1966
Copyright John Girardeau &
Me, strapped in and ready to fly. Phouc Vinh from the air. Phouc Vinh from the air. Phouc Vinh from the air.
Phouc Vinh from the air. Don Withrow and one of the maintenance guy's with one of our two L-19's. Don Withrow and one of our three pilots, a Lieutenant whose name I can't remember, planning a flight. Ready to fly!!
Take off, full throttle!! Air borne! One of our firing batteries (I think). Several of our guns.
Taxiing on the Phouc Vinh International Runway. Taxiing on the Phouc Vinh International Runway. Taxiing on the Phouc Vinh International Runway. View from our H-13 helicopter.  As best I can tell, the pilot is Cpt Lord.
On patrol over the jungle at about 1500 feet altitude. On patrol over the jungle at about 1500 feet altitude. Fire mission in progress. One of the VC's supply roads.  We would shoot at trucks on these roads at night.
One of the VC's supply roads.  We would shoot at trucks on these roads at night. One of the VC's supply roads.  We would shoot at trucks on these roads at night. One of the VC's supply roads.  We would shoot at trucks on these roads at night. Starlight Corner...We had preplanned 8-inch concentrations on this an several other intersections  Using a StarlightScope at night, we would target VC trucks.  I went into this area with B Troop, 1/4 Horse.  We found 75-100 badly damaged trucks.
The "Zoomie Bird" logo painted on all three of our aircraft.